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Libro Parlato

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The library offers a service of loan of tape cassettes for sightlesses and for people with problems at the sight, who can't read for this reason. This service is possible thanks to the collaboration of the Unione Italiana Ciechi (Centro Nazionale del Libro Parlato, distribution of Florence), with the net of the libraries of the florentine area (Sdiaf) and it doesn't imply any cost for the interested users.

The material for the Tuscany Region is furnished by the Nastroteca "Stefano Bruni": read and registered on videocassettes books, that don't need particular equipment, except a simple audio reproducer.

The catalogue includes 10.000 titles, from the narrative to the science, from the history to the philosopy and is consultable by the library or downloadable from the Internet Site of the Unione Italiana Ciechi at the section "Servizi", in the part dedicated to the Libro Parlato.

For accessing to the service is necessary, over to the normal enrollment of the interested person at the service of loan of the library, a registration to the tape library, that is free, that you can effect writing a provided module that is sent on through the library.

The interested people can choose from the catalogue 5 works and keep them for 5 months; also the modules for the requests are available in library. The types, as the other documents, circulate through the carrier of the interlibrary loan.

The service represents a rich instrument to facilitate the access to the culture. People who has some physical pathology or are old can rediscover the pleasure of the reading.

Facsimile of request of enrollment to the Centro Nazionale del Libro Parlato (24.93 KB).
Module for request audiotapes to the Centro Nazionale del Libro Parlato (25.27 KB).